Rehearsals can be a killer! Baxter University's theater group has a secret club that "initiates" young freshmen girls. When one initiation gets out of hand a beautiful actress dies a tragic and horrific death. Too scared t... more »o confess their crime the group tries to get away with the murder. But the next night when the group stays late for rehearsal it becomes apparent that someone wants them to pay for their actions. How many will die before the final curtain comes down on these killers?System Requirements:Running Time: 99 Mins.Format: DVD MOVIE Genre: HORROR Rating: R UPC: 031398216940 Manufacturer No: 21694« less
Nina D. (blackrainbow79) from CINCINNATI, OH Reviewed on 2/2/2013...
This movie may not have all the "top notch" effects like many horror flicks out there. But the point sure does get across. Talk about psychological torture.
Movie Reviews
No bad actor is safe in this disappointing slasher film
Daniel Jolley | Shelby, North Carolina USA | 03/04/2008
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Two stars may be one star too many for this veritable showcase of poor acting, but I'm giving the film a couple of props for gore and a somewhat unpredictable ending. Make no mistake, though - Acts of Death (also known as The Final Curtain) is an amazingly bad movie. For the first hour or so, it's a movie in search of a plot, full of characters so annoying that you can hardly blame the unknown killer for wanting to kill them all, and then it shifts into standard slasher mode the rest of the way.
The film opens with a group of students sneaking into the theatre building at night in order to initiate one or more freshmen into some kind of theatre group. The group turns out to be more of a fan club for resident loverboy and actor Chase Masterson (Nathaniel Nose), who has his own huge yet supposedly secret Party Room inside the building. This is where Chase and his groupies meet to get drunk and pass out. The initiation itself seems to consist of Chase slipping the young coed a mickey and then essentially raping her - it's hard to be completely sure because Angela (Erin Scheiner) ruins all of the fun by going into convulsions and dying before Chase has the chance to get his groove on. Don't feel too bad for Chase, though, as he ends up sleeping with another girl in order to keep her from talking - this, by the way, doesn't make Chase's girlfriend Sabrina (Niki Huey) very happy. The aftermath of the Angela thing opens up a seemingly important subplot with Gus (Reggie Bannister), the building's live-in security guy, but it's best to just forget all about that because the writers apparently did.
With Angela now missing, the decision is made to lock up all of the campus buildings (and electrify the windows, as well) at 8:30 each night. This delights Campus Security Chief Liberace - I mean Jack Strong (Glenn Shadix), but it sort of puts a crimp in the whole nightly theatre rehearsal schedule, which greatly displeases the director, Yanni - I mean Eamon (Jason Carter). It begs the question of why Chase and his groupies snuck in a window the night before when the doors weren't even locked, but that's only one of many unanswered questions this film raises. Anyhoo, members of our little theatrical group ignore the rules and hang around for practice the next night - and so it is that they find themselves trapped in the building while a mystery killer begins taking them out one by one - and in pretty grisly fashion.
There's not one decent actor in this entire film. Worst of all, you have to suffer through the equivalent of bad acting squared when these bad actors rehearse their parts - badly - for their upcoming theatre production of Macbeth. Shakespeare is all but forgotten, however, by the film's mid-way point when it becomes pretty clear to one and all that someone is trying to kill them. Acts of Death basically just turns into a standard slasher at this point, but the murders themselves are rather impressively original and gory. The writers also do a good job hiding the killer's identity, throwing in at least one good red herring that threw me off-track. Maybe it does deserve those two stars after all - but certainly no more than two."
Ehab Aref | NYC, USA | 07/20/2008
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Jeff Burton directed the film he also edited it, produced it, screen wrote it, he was the camera man, he did the sound design, he did the blood and physical effects, and at the end he sent special thanks to the Burton family "his family" who seem to make the movie from A-Z no wonder why this movie sucks.
Suzette Nelson | 11/19/2007
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Yes, this is made by Lionsgate, I love Lionsgate because of SAW. My friend's dad (Donnie Wahlberg) *He was in SAWs II-IV as detective eric matthews and in Dead Silence as the detective) said he saw a little clip from Acts of
Death and that the clip was good. I found out what clip it was, the only good clip on the movie. This movie is boring and has boring deaths, don't bother with this one!!!"
Jill Dunsmore | 11/15/2007
(2 out of 5 stars)
"This movie was not very good.
The deaths weren't very violent at all, and the ending was so confusing I felt like watching it over to make sure I didn't miss something, but I didn't because it was just so unbearable to watch again.
Don't buy this movie due to the fact that it is horrible. I have again been the victim of "judging a book by it's cover." Boy, did this cover make the movie look good!! Haha.