Nice twist in the end, appreciated the non expected
Brenda Reynolds | California | 06/26/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Loved watching this obvious low budget movie. Nothing that was over the top and Mark Harmon played the part extremely well. Apreciated the twist at the end. Highly unexpected. Would definitely recommend for purchase and would buy again if something happened to this copy. I will watch this again, so I am happy with owning."
Do you need to confess?
wogan | Indiana&Maryland- U.S.A. | 02/19/2010
(4 out of 5 stars)
"The film stars Julliane Phillips (Bruce Springsteen's ex), Ron Perlman and Mark Harmon as Jonathan Frayne. Jonathan walks into a radio station with an idea for a radio show where listeners may confess their misdeeds. It leads to a caller confessing to a murder, but Jonathan's own haunting demons and misdeeds also preoccupy him. As he gets involved in solving the mystery of the caller and the murder he falls deeper into the mire of the murder's psyche. His mystifying past lends an attraction to the suspenseful story.
All of the actors fit well into their parts and do a credible job. There are no extras on the DVD.
When you finish watching this movie you will probably say that it was an interesting thriller/mystery and will be surprised by the twist at the end, so it's a enjoyable acquisition."
Play Misty for me - almost
Margaret Saunders | australia | 03/16/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"A really good movie Mark Harmon plays a great part and if you enjoyed Play Misty for Me you will love this movie"
I loved it.
Zara | Canary Islands | 10/10/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Mark Harmon is great in this film; if you like him, you shouldn't missed it."
Acts of Contrition DVD with Mark Harmon
movie lover | Florida | 04/22/2010
(4 out of 5 stars)
"A great movie and Mark Harmon was the reason I ordered it as he is one of my favorite people, I watch him on NCIS every day."