A Mixed Bag
O. Kagan | North Hollywood, CA, U.S. | 10/16/2005
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This documentary has some good tips for those looking into the industry and beginning actors. Experienced actors will find it preachy and stale.
In part, this DVD in the "Actors At Work" series is an acting lesson, in part an introduction to the for-profit world of television acting and movies. It's commendable that the directors interviewed didn't try to idealize the bit-part on a sitcom, for example. There were also parts where the directors contradicted each other, which is good, because everyone is looking for different things from actors depending on what medium they work in.
Downsides include hearing many points made over again (and not just because they edited the same clips in several times), not enough personal anecdotes - there were a few - though for the most part the directors spoke in generalities, and the short running time. At times the 60 minutes drags, while at other times it would have been nice to have the directors elaborate on certain issues. That's a basic summary of the negatives (though I could list more if I had to pick nits).
To conclude, Actors at Work: Directors on Acting is okay to rent from the library, as I did, but not to buy. There are many doc's on acting that are more worthwhile for 26.00 dollars."