Learning Acoustic Guitar DVD:100 Minutes running time & includes many bonus features and password access to FREE E-Book Downloads! If you are simply a man or woman who wants to discover effective beginner guitar lesso... more »ns very quickly. this is for you. "With This Acoustic Guitar Lessons DVD, You Can Discover Tips & Techniques To Play Acoustic Guitar Easier Than Ever Before!" "Imagine One Beginner Guitar Course That You Can Utilize to Jumpstart Your Playing Faster Than Before!"
Acoustic Guitar For Beginners
Let me ask you a few questions... Would you like to learn acousitc guitar chords, but you're not sure where to start? Would you like to discover many acoustic guitar techniques that you have seen your idols use? Would you like to learn guitar fast but still develop at your own pace without paying $35-$50 per hour for weekly private guitar lessons? "We will reveal many insider acoustic guitar techniques, tips & tricks that you can use to play guitar right away and avoid wasting hundreds of dollars on private lessons and years of frustration-- guaranteed!" You can now join the thousands of musicians that have used this exact course to play Acoustic Guitar!
Have you been struggling trying to learn acoustic guitar? Do you practice your butt off each day for little or no progress at all? You have probably tried for months and maybe even years to be a comfortable confident guitar player. Hey, you've seen other people do it, why can t you? We all want to be able to take time away during our busy day and play our favorite songs for our own personal enjoyment. Where you struggled before... YOU will succeed here!
Here's How:
Learning Acoustic Guitar DVD - By Charles Sedlak
Charles is an international recording and touring artist that shows you his tips and tricks to get you started playing acoustic guitar right away
Charles will show you the proper form, technique and strumming patterns that will impress your friends and family as well and most importantly, yourself.
Some of what you will discover:
Parts of The Guitar
Strumming Techniques
Blues Progressions
And More!!!
The Learning Acoustic Guitar DVD also features more exclusive bonus guitar techniques as well as a fully interactive chord chart!
To help you learn guitar fast, our courses are packed with the following features.
1) 100 Minute Running Time
Hundreds of dollars worth of private lessons all in one package! You will gain a wealth of knowledge and and not strain your wallet -- at the same time!
2) Interactive Lesson Library
Quickly review your techniques at your own pace with a touch of a button!
3) Numerous Chapter marks
Save time by zooming directly to any technique you want!
5) Digitally Recorded
Vivid picture quality for easy-to-see instruction, not a repackaged old VHS transfer!
6) Picture In Picture Instruction
Some techniques require close attention to your picking hand... not a problem with the "picture-in-picture" feature!
7)Exclusive Password Access To Extra Features & FREE E-Books!
This course contains a password that allows you to access numerous additional online features and you can now download and use FREE complete e-books jam packed with these great lessons, including: Parts of The Guitar
"I really liked this DVD from Charles Sedlak. his manner of guiding beginning students through each lesson is not intimidating or too fast. Charles starts from the ground floor of guitar playing covering areas such as proper playing position and holding the pick I found this refreshing becasue I have seen videos that completely disregard those important first steps of playing guitar. He covers many chords, stumming patterns and pregressions. I would highly recommend this for any beginning player.
Too simple, unorganized...
C. LEE | USA | 03/14/2006
(2 out of 5 stars)
"This dvd doesn't seem to be well organized with nothing more than simple instructions and no extra play along beats or lessons. It's like watching a low budget VHS video. The instructor just plays his guitar and show off his skills. It is difficult to follow along because he doesn't give you the time to practice. There's absolutely no pause between lessons. Get ready to pause the dvd throughout the lesson. If you look carefully, you can notice that he is out of breath and excessively sweating. That's how fast he moves through the lesson. This is a typical, low budget guitar instruction. This is also not made in 2006, but rather 2005. I suggest "the Fender Presents: getting started on Acoustic guitar". Fender took their time making their 300 min dvd. "Guitar Lessons:.." is a okay video.. But are you kidding me? I can't believe these companies don't take their time making their dvds. I've wasted my money and time with this dvd. Thank goodness for Fender!"
Great DVD!
Ray Abrams | Reno, NV USA | 04/21/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The Instructor does a good job of giving you a introductory lesson in playing acoustic guitar.. not too slow... not too fast. He covers proper playing position, tuning by ear and how to use a tuner. He breaks down good basic chords to get you going. He also covers some progressions and various strumming patterns. The exclusive access feature that allows you to go online and download all the lessons in the DVD was very nice. A very good choice for a beginner.
Sean Miller | 03/15/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This DVD is AWESOME! From chords to strumming patterns and metronome exercises, this is a great way to learn. Charles Sedlak does a really good job breaking everything down and making it very easy to follow along. There is a ton of material and access to print everything out at the Icons of Rock website. Worth every penny! If you are eager to learn to play then this is the way to go. Five stars for sure."
Good, but not Great
Michael D. Bergquist | Bristow, Va | 11/16/2008
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I am just learning the guitar, and I find the teacher to be a good guy, and he's very helpful with learning the chords. After learning the chords however, he seems to zip into advanced areas --would have preferred maybe some beginner songs, etc."