The town of process is located somewhere in rural New Jersey, although it doesn't show up on any modern map. It's a nice place to visit unless you are a young, healthy, and beautiful woman. The town has a very lucrative un... more »derground and internet business specializing in selling organs for transplant, selling babies to loving couples who are barren, and young women into sex slavery. The town's patriarch, Jacob, is in control of everything. That is, until they kidnap the wrong girl, a popular Brazilian Hip Hop star.Complications arise when her friend and bodyguard, Donny, turns up in Process looking for her. GPS units, cell phones and other modern gadgets threaten the existence of the town itself. What will Jacob and his followers do? Who will survive?« less
"Beautiful women are kidnapped and sold into slavery, they have their organs removed or are impregnated so that the babies can be sold on the black this some foreign country? Nope, it's New Jersey...
Abduction is a funny (and often-times scary) look at what happens when a small town bands together for the common good, even if their intent is evil. It's low-budget and sometimes campy, but it's very entertaining and a great way to spend a weekend evening, curled up on the couch with a bowl of popcorn."
Nice Surprise
Gary Corde | NJ | 06/29/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This movie has everything I was looking for: suspense, gore and beautiful woman. The storyline develops nicely and keeps you guessing. Well shot and directed too."
A very creepy film from New Jersey
David Watkins | Los Angeles, CA | 06/27/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"A low budget film, to be sure, but as indie horror films go, it's a blast!
Funny, over-the-top acting + a lot of nudity and gore = the perfect Saturday night movie. Check it out!"
Offensive, horrifying
William D. Colburn | Socorro, NM USA | 03/20/2010
(3 out of 5 stars)
"While this is yet another movie I own about people disappearing in New Jersey, it's nothing like Nothing But Trouble. This is not a wonderful comedy with a roller coaster of death, this is some kind of bizarre misogynistic bondage and psychological horror movie. It's pretty well made in terms of camera work, acting, etc. And it makes me uncomfortable to watch it. The treatment of women is horrific. They're just beautiful bodies for impregnating or organ harvesting. Men too, but not as much. The problem is that the abuse isn't portrayed stylistically. This movie portrays the abuse in a clinical realistic way. In the movie A Boy And His Dog, they strap the man down to harvest his sperm to impregnate women and its hilarious. In this movie, they kidnap men and kidnap women and they force to have sex with tasers, and they kill people who refuse to have sex or fail to achieve pregnancy by wrapping their heads in plastic and making them suffocate to death.
On the plus side, it has lots of nudity. On the down side: it's absolutely horrifying and patently offensive."
A good "B" indie movie
John Haviland | lansing, mi usa | 04/02/2010
(4 out of 5 stars)
"First, I live in Lansing, Mi. and have no affiliation or friendship with the movie's producers. I found this to be an entertaining low budget film. However you need to enjoy low budget films and their limitations to like this or most any movie like this. The story was creepy and the acting was about average for this caliber of film. There were some attractive girls and some s/m type action. The film also contained some exploitation aspects for shock value. The ending was good. So my advice is to watch this if you enjoy ultra low budget movies and this type of subject matter."