"My stuff will never be lame," says Aaron Carter. Thanks, kid, but we'll be the judge of that. Truth be told, the 12-year-old Carter, brother of Backstreet Boy Nick Carter (which might have a little something to do with... more » Aaron's rapid ascent in the world of kid pop), has talent. In this DVD package (essentially a showcase for five videos from his third album, with some behind-the- scenes filler), he displays an appealing personality, a face guaranteed to make the girls swoon, a flotilla of makeup artists, wardrobe people, and other handlers, some nifty dance moves, and a rap style that's... well, it's at least as hip as any other white suburban 12-year-old's. And his repertoire, while not exactly groundbreaking, does take a couple of surprising turns, especially in the form of "Iko Iko," the New Orleans standard (written in the '50s and a hit for the Dixie Cups in the '60s). Also included are "I Want Candy" (the Bo Diddley-beat-heavy Strangeloves hit), and the nursery rhyme-like "Clapping Song" (once covered by the immortal Pia Zadora, among many others). All in all, it's good clean fun--except for the fact that there's something unsettling, creepy even, about watching a prepubescent kid bust moves, rap about "old school" (kindergarten, maybe?), and throw down the "yo"-speak without a trace of self-consciousness. Sure, Michael Jackson and Donny Osmond were polished youngsters too, but they also had a certain innocence that's almost totally lacking here. Case in point: included in the disc's extra features is a trivia game that tells you not only what Aaron's favorite food, color, and Beanie Baby are, but also what kind of motorcycle he rides as well as the title of his mom's new book. Precocious? That doesn't even begin to cover it. --Sam Graham« less
"Aaron Carter,12,is the baby brother of the Backstreet Boys, Nick Carter. He has been touring all around the world. If you listen to the lyrics they are cool and funny! Well, his latest video "Aaron's Party(Come Get It)" is about a popular kid trying to get a girl to notice him and has the party of the year! He doesn't tell his parents he's having the party and sends them to see Aunt Jo. When Aaron spots his crush,Lynn,he turns around and a kid spelt juice on his mom's new cushins and when he turns around again another kid broke the lamp and the parents got them from France! In the video Aaron plays the role of his self and when his parents get home the party is still going on. He gets in trouble and his dad screams "AARON" when he gets in the house. If you don't like my short summery of the video well I'm only 12 years old and love Aaron Charles Carter. His singing is awsome,his blond hair is cool,and puppy dog eyes make me and the other fans melt and his smile does too!Check out the video it's cool!"
A Must-Have For Aaron Fans
bsb1fan | USA | 08/30/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I was in the video store and I happened to walk by the music videos and saw Aaron's video laying there, so i picked it up and bought it. I am way older than Aaron, but I just love his cute, adorable smile. He definitely is following brother Nick's footsteps in the looks department. Well anyways enough drooling... OK the video has 5 full length music videos from his upcoming album. They are "Aaron's party," "I want candy," "Bounce," "Iko Iko," and "The clapping song." It also has behind the scenes footage of Aaron shooting the videos. I'm sure most of you already know what Aaron's party is about, so I'll tell you about the other songs/videos. I want candy- Aaron has a crush on a girl named Candy and spends time with her but his buddies keep following him around on his date...funny video.Bounce- Aaron's hanging around the courts and plays one-on-one with a big basketball player and wins.Iko Iko-It's that song about setting each others grandma's pants on fire...ha ha...you've probably heard it before 'cause its a remake. Aaron and his crew are sitting around a little bonfire at the beach.The clapping song- Aaron does a lot of dancing in this video. He's a great dancer. They are on the pier at the beach. The lyrics are kinda funny, but hey he's just a kid.Well there, I hope this helped. And all you Aaron fans go get this video, its really cool. You wont regret it."
Aaron Carter is sooooo HOT in AARONs party I am 12
Adriana | USA | 09/16/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Aaron is so awesome in come and get it. His dance moooves are so cooooool! I have been a fan of his ever seens he started singing. He is getting better and better every day. I LOVE HIM! He is so hot. He is my favorite singer! BEY"
Adding more to my 1st review!
Adriana | 08/19/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"My 1st review is "My review of Aaron's Party (Come Get It)". Well I've found out more about this video: This video is also going to have snippets(cuts from the video)from Aaron Carter's videos "I Want Candy" and "Bounce"! It's going to have a full length video of "Aaron's Party(Come Get It)" It's gonna have interviews from the video shots and it will be awsome! : ) Thanks!"
Too cool
Adriana | 09/03/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"It Is so cool and the vidio Is realy great! Once you get It It will be so so so cool for Aaron Carter Fans.So If your an Aaron Carter fan why not come and get It!"