An extremely low budget, not-subtle-at-all (just look at the cover artwork for cryin' out loud!!) ripoff of the "Alien Vs. Predator" flicks from The Asylum, the studio infamous for such "mockbusters" as "Transmorphers," "The Terminators," and "Mega Piranha." This was pretty piss-poor even by Asylum standards. "AvH" wasn't "so bad it's good," it was just BAD!! It was slow moving, had terrible acting, crap looking monsters/effects, etc.
Basically this "movie" follows this formula: take a bunch of idiot characters and send them stumbling around the woods in broad daylight making up their dialogue as they go along. Have a cheap looking creature pop up occasionally, so they all scream and run the other way. Then repeat this scenario over and over till the (merciful) end.
The "AvP" flicks may not be the most highly regarded series in filmdom, but compared to this cheap ass "homage" they're Shakespeare.
I love me some bad movies, and I've actually liked a couple of the previous Asylum flicks, but this was close to the bottom of the barrel.
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Chad B. (abrnt1) from CABERY, IL Reviewed on 3/9/2011...
More badly made crap from the worst film company around. The Asylum is the lowest of the low. All these idiots do is make low budget copies of hit films in the hope that unsuspecting people will buy their crap by mistake. These films r all garbage and should be avoided like the plague.
1 of 1 member(s) found this review helpful.
Movie Reviews
Robot Monster, but less fun
Michael | New York | 02/22/2008
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Alien versus Hunter arrived on the coattails of Aliens vs. Predator Requiem, and this is not a coincidence. The Asylum makes films to make money off of others, and many of them are terrible, with the exception of War of the Worlds, which I personally enjoyed.
Alien vs. Hunter, AVH, is a classic example of incompetent film making. The director did no work, came in 2 hours late, and spent his time on his ipod. No joke. The 'director' is possibly the worst one today. Probably worse than Uwe Boll. The editor obviously tried to save it, but it didn't work.
The acting was horrendous. You can't help but laugh at these guys who take the situation more seriously than anybody realistically would while doing stupid things right and left. The acting isn't great, either.
The creatures... I can make better ones. The alien is an arachnid thing m monster done through a poor costume and crud CGI. The costume only includes the top half of the creature, who, while a suited man, stands about five feet. The CG version, complete with spider legs, stands about 15 feet high. The creature doesn't even feel like a threat.
The hunter is even worse. Look at the cover. What you see is not what was used. This guy is a short five feet, wears a salad bowl on his head, and doesn't do anything but look retarded. He holds a gun that he picks up very slowly and doesn't do anything with it. He doesn't even fight the Alien. He just stands around watching in the final fight.
The lighting, directing, script... non existent. Your seven year old son can make a better film.
If Ed Wood was alive today, he'd look at this film and say it's the worst he's ever seen.
This is Robot Monster minus the fun factor. Avoid. Buy only if you want to spend an evening with a friend making fun of it MST3K style.
I'd recommend Dragon Wars instead of this if you must watch a terrible movie. At least Dragon Wars is so bad it's good. This is so bad it's unbearable."
fmwaalex | Austin, TX USA | 03/16/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
Yes that is right you read that title correctly this is indeed a knock off of AVP:R or Alien vs Predator Requiem. The Asylum is now well known for it's self described "mockumentries" or better said rip/knock offs, still I love this company because their original works are really good and some of the knock offs are actually good. Now I have seen many a horrible film and many of those have been cheap imitations of more successful films, many of those have been from this company but I must say this is just bad. I hate to say that because Asylum's usual producer extraordinaire David Michael Latt wrote this, usually he can make something interesting. Here though things are just unintentionally funny.
The plot is actually almost the exact same as AVP:R with the ship touching down on Earth right at the beginning and some alien sometimes aliens roaming around killing people off. Of course you would not have this title without a hunter who guess what is hunting these creatures, yes it is the exact same movie just no were near as good. Honestly this movie makes the first AVP [which I didn't like as much as the second] look like Oscar worthy material on every front. I honestly can't believe that this was made like this, The Asylum is usually pretty good with these [even though my reviews of their films thus far would say differently].
Writer/producer David Michael Latt really needed to rework this before he even attempted to make it. I mean the script is just awful and he even had two other films to take from, you would think they would take what worked from them and made a decent rip off. Along side Latt is director Scott Harper who really needs to stick to visual effects, his other attempt at directing while not as bad as this was still eh [that film of course would be "Super Croc" also from The Asylum]. I don't know if it is true but apparently he was more into playing on his new phone than working on this film, the message board for the film stated this and things were also said on the commentary about him. This guy has done visual effects on films like "Snakes on a Plane, Dr. Dolittle, What Dreams May Come, Zathura, Ghost Ship, The Italian Job, Supernova, Liar Liar, My fellow Americans, Nutty Professor, Dead Presidents, The Indian in the Cupboard, Mortal Combat" as well as others. I can't believe with a list like that he would make or should say just show up on set to make a film like this.
I have nothing but respect for the crew and editors of this film since they were forced to try to fix this guys mess [once again if this is true]. Apparently the first AD actually became the real director for this film and got this thing done the best he could, because Scott played with his phone they didn't even film the whole thing. The editor obviously tried to fix this problem and work around it but the footage just wasn't there for him. The editor and first AD I believe are the two guys that do the commentary and it is honestly the most honest commentary ever recorded for a film. Big ups to these guys for trying so hard on something that was so lost, you can tell these two along with the crew that stepped up to try to make this really love what they do.
As far as the acting it is not really there at all, but who would expect some Oscar worthy material from a movie like this. The only one who really stood out is the wonderful Dedee Pfeiffer who I have loved in many other things such as the wonderful shows "Burn Notice & The Dead Zone". Why she did this I will never know it could possibly be because the so called director had an excellent track record, to bad he couldn't direct like he can work with effects. William Katt is a good actor but he was here for a paycheck, can't blame him if the director wont work. The same came be said for Randy.
Over all this film is funny but not because it means to be but still this film is very much worth a purchase for possibly the best commentary of all time. They not only let you know about what was going down behind the scenes but they actually talk about the short comings of the film. Still they give props to those who cared enough about the film to actually work on it. The film is a two star film at the most but only because Dedee and a Very cool looking alien [but what was up with that spider one]. But the film is worthy of 5 because of the effort put forth by the crew and post production team. So I will meet it in the middle kinda and give it three stars, oh and by the way the hunter while having an actually good ending looks nothing like the one on the DVD case.
Alien vs Hunter = Guys in bad costumes!
MrLoki | Mayberry | 12/30/2007
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Was this a comedy? I couldn't stop laughing at the bad acting, bad sets, bad lighting and bad dialogue. This is like the movie you see being made while watching a real movie, you know, the one so hokey you know it's not real. Don't ever be fooled by these "film makers" this is pure garbage in a bad way!"
Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse....
Biff Fearless | Cape Coral, FL USA | 03/02/2008
(1 out of 5 stars)
"This is the fourth Asylum made film that I have endured. Two had their moments and were at least moderately entertaining (Transmorphers, I am Omega) while the other (Universal Soldiers) was not. Unfortunately, AvH will have to be grouped with the latter.
The effects are bad, but not unreasonably bad for a low budget film. The spider effect on the alien is ill considered as it makes the creature have to hide its lower body (budget restraints)in holes, behind trees, etcetera. The Hunter looks nothing like the picture on the DVD case so caveat emptor if you are considering this based on the artwork.
The acting is also bad, but is pretty standard for an Asylum feature or a Sci-Fi Original Movie. It does feature William Katt and DeeDee Pfeiffer so this may be the most "star-studded" Asylum production, and both 80s relics are okay in the film.
The real problem with AvH as many have noted, is the plot. Events seem to happen randomly at times and there are some scratch your head turn of events as the film limps towards an improbable end. I can deal with bad effects in a movie but when the movie just doesn't make sense, it is unacceptable. Having seen three other Asylum films I guess I should have known better, but I'll keep watching."
This has nothing to do with AVP or any of alien the alien se
Jack | Portland, OR | 02/28/2008
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Please keep that in mind. I was fooled into renting this. It was awful, terrible acting, terrible effects, and absolutely not anything like Alien Vs Predator.
The aliens is some sort of spider thing and hunter is some sort of human from ... somewhere not on earth.
I could only force myself through so much of this movie. If you like bad acting/low budget/all together awful films then go see this film.
Oh yeah I just want to stress the HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ALIEN VS PREDATOR part."