A note on DVD quality
Anita | Salt Lake City, UT USA | 10/06/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Budget Dvd's are always such a risk. So I'll relate my experience with this purchase in case your thinking of buying this one. HOME TOWN STORY featuring Marilyn Monroe is a surprisingly good print, not perfect but good. Home Town Story is a budget film with a good story and one every Marilyn fan should own. In this film you can see all of the Marilyn manerisms and style that later in her career makes her famous.
OF HUMAN BONDAGE is a poor copy almost unwatchable. I admit I could not make it through the whole film, I just could'nt watch Bette Davis's bad british accent.
RAIN is a decent print, and a curious film that I had never seen and probably never would purchased it on its own, but worth seeing once in order to view an early Joan Crawford.
LADY OF BURLESQUE is a fun film and this one is a very medocre copy. Image Entertainment puts out a near pertfect print of this on Dvd and if your a Barbara Stanwyck fan you probably already have it.
Bottom line - Home Town Story was the reason for my purchase and I was not disappointed. Everything else was just a bonus."
Surprisingly good
G. Scot Shelley | Raleigh, NC | 11/03/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"After watching this set I am now purchasing several other classic movie collections, AMC and otherwise. Here's my take on this one, starting with the good: 'Of Human Bondage' is a fantastic movie. The picture quality is pretty bad but it's worth it to stick with it. Bette Davis' outburst scene is one of her best scenes ever. I also liked 'Rain', again the picture quality is not great but just keep watching, the story became mesmerizing to me. The other two films are much better prints. 'Lady of Burlesque' is funny and engaging. But now I come to 'Hometown Story' - the cover advertises that the movie is 100 minutes, which it is not, it's a little over an hour long, less than 70 minutes. And Marlilyn Monroe's part is so much in the background it's not worth watching for her. She plays a secretary and says little more than "Yes sir" and "No sir" to her bosses. Other than that the story was OK."