Stay Away!
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I was just discussing public domain with someone the other day, and obviously this DVD is a prime example of it. Everything here is over 50 years old... And it shows.
The people who put out this DVD obviously did some work on the packaging. The menu is equally nice with a stirring little melody that plays while a blue satin flag waves in the background on a gentle breeze.
Would that the DVD production team had spent this much effort on the movies.
Amazing Adventure is probably the worse. It's obviously from a tape copy (there are tracking problems and the occasioal complete blur). The sound is terrible and the picture isn't much better. The studio logo, whoever happened to put these out originally, has been lopped off from the beginning of each film because even if this movie is now public domain, someone still owns the rights to the studio logo.
As for this DVD containing 4 movies, Amazing adventure just barely qualifies at 70 Minutes, and the fourth feature, Hollywood Without Makeup, isn't a movie at all, but a 50 Minute Documentary that doesn't even focus on Grant in particular.
On a side-note, I don't know what kind of ink they used to print the cover, but it smell terrible.
All and all, steer clear of this one. The Warner box set, though it has some problems, is a much better bet for the Cary Grant fan, and though it isn't this cheap, it's also quite reasonably priced."