Kirsten B. from MARIETTA, GA
Reviewed on 1/5/2013...
This DVD is really good for a beginning exerciser, both in using a ball and doing an ab workout. She is methodical in instruction and explains the exercises so well they are very easy to follow. It may be tough if first starting out, but as long as you don't go too far and use the ball, you will get an ab workout and increase your abilities. Of course you work out as far as your body can go, but utilizing the ball assists with the inflexible parts as well as help you focus on your abs (instead of your glutes, etc.). The combination of yoga and pilates can also help you to enter these two areas of fitness. Even though this is a slow routine, there is one exercise that I find very advanced, so that is something to attempt as one gets stronger. Because the routine is slower, you actually don't feel like you've been run through the ringer, you are almost relaxed at the end, but your abs will tell you they were working. The stretching is great, and is also good just to use on the ball after a long day at the office. This is a good toning accompaniment to a beginning ab workout. If you find yourself thinking you aren't working your abs, then you aren't focusing on your abs.