Fun Martial Arts Mystery...
Mark Savary | Seattle, WA | 04/29/2002
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This is a pretty good kung fu mystery, centering around a mysterious killer clad in white who is terrorizing the countryside. Good guys eventually band together (after battling each other, because THEY all wear white at one time or another), and try to identify the murderer. The killer has amazing kung fu skill, and it takes all of the good guys to bring him down.One clever factor is that the bad guy wears a hat to hide his face, so that it is never to be seen (of course, we see it anyway quite clearly in at least one of the fights). I don't want to give anything away, but I will tell you that the make-up they used is pretty dumb. You'll see what I mean when the truth about the killer is revealed at the end, and they show how the killer could be in several places at once. The end of the movie gets kind of dopey, with a ridiculous trick to trap the killer using colored, magnetic statues to drain his life force energy (or something like that). Still, there is an interesting romance going on with two of the heroes. One of the main characters is a girl disguised as a man, in a secret identity just one step above Clark Kent donning glasses to hide the fact that he's Superman. Of course, this is a standard, almost classic, character in many kung fu films, and as usual, only the audience can tell she's a girl until the story closes with the truth being revealed.There are some good fights in this one. There's also a lot of fun banter between the good guys, who always seem ready to challenge each other to a fight as much as the bad guy.The ubiquitous Lo Leih pops up again, and offers perhaps the biggest surprise of all in the movie by playing a good guy instead of a villan! If you know anything about these movies, then you know that scores were made at a time, which explains why Lo's character is missing for most of the movie (off making another movie, no doubt, in the middle of making this one).It's fun, doesn't cost much, and there's a cool weapon at the end. Despite the dumb magnetic rock thing, I think you'll enjoy this kung fu caper."
99 Cycling Swords - DVD Version
Minister Dixon | 10/02/2005
(3 out of 5 stars)
"What can I say about this flick? Some of the fighting scenes were great and even in the beginning it had begun with a strong plot (to find this mysterious guy dressed in all white who terrorizes and kills along the countryside). Pretty soon, well not long after - around 15 minutes or so into the movie, you're wondering, okay now, what was that plot again? This flick will completely lose you.
The woman, who is "so-called" disguised as a man, was not thought out very well. Why do I say this? You don't have to look too hard to tell or have a Ph.D in Biology or Anatomy and Physiology to see that she's really a woman - a 3 year old can clearly see that! Who was the genious behind putting that in this movie? But, she's really good at kung fu and shows her skill very early on.
Some of the kung fu stunts you know were totally unbelievable - that's why it was chopped up so badly and still failed to look real. The overdubs weren't bad at all. The crappy ending is something to be desired though.
If you think that this movie has anything to actually do with the title "99 Cycling Swords", you will be totally disappointed. 99 Cycling Swords - what swords? You barely see a few swords at any given time - and cycling? Don't make me laugh! Cycling what? Again, who was the genious that decided to give this movie this title? I bought the DVD because of the title and half-way through it, you will learn that you are watching a DVD that has nothing to do with the title at all. The "Mysterious Man in White" would have been a better title for this.
I gave it only a three because it fails to stick to the real plot as it goes along, you will get totally lost towards the end (more stuff keeps getting added to the already flawed plot), and the ending was totally "crappy" at best. If you want a good laugh, watch totally crummy acting and love plots that will soon become invisible as the movie goes along - then this is the flick for you. If you want to see some real kung fu stunts that's not chopped up and made to look real and a visible plot from beginning to end, then get some of the early Shaw Brothers action featuring the Venom Mob. Those guys are skillful and really know their kung fu.