Don Kelly talks about various systems 'unknown Free Energy' systems, and discusses dozens of different devices and inventors.
DVD 2: Roy Thornson's 'Strange Psychics' & the Kinetic Lift Drive
Only rotational force exists, but directional force can be felt. The drive moves without a material medium! Wow!!!
DVD 3: John Hutchison's Anti-Gravity Demo Footage
These are the actual filmed experiments that John Hutchison has presented to the world. These are the complete uncut versions of the anti gravity experiments. What a find!!!
DVD 4: John Hutchison's Rare Private Lab Footage
We can see the many antique devices that Hutchison uses - old gauges, generators, Tesla coils, all of which look like they are 100 years old - and they are.
DVD 5: The Browns Gas Demos
In this rare demonstration video you will see dozens of demonstration of the power of Browns Gas.
DVD 6: The Browns Gas Presentation
On this video, we take a look at a full presentation of how it works. The tour around the factory gives you the scope of the machines required to produce the number of machines that society may require.
DVD 7: Browns Gas - Shop Lecture
This is a complete discussion of how Browns Gas works. An excellent outstanding video training by a Browns Gas expert, and commentary by Browns Gas engine designer and physicist Andrew Michrowski.
DVD 8: Yule Browns Last Interview
Since the death of Yule Brown a several years ago, the interest in Browns Gas has skyrocketed! Yull Brown 'talks shop' behind the scene.
Note: The DVD footage was filmed by a private researcher. Real, untainted information, as told by the very persons involved.