Just the Facts: 50 Great Years in American & American Military History ? 2 Great Volumes together at last! JTF: 50 Great Years in American Military History chronicles the distinguished history and developme... more »nt of the U.S. Armed Forces focusing on 50 landmark years. Starting in 1775 with the continuous conflict between the Colonists and the British (the pre-cursory period leading to the Revolutionary War and ultimately the signing of one of the most important document of American History!) and making notable stops to examine events like The Civil War, World War I, World War II, and finally Desert Storm, 50 Great Years in American Military History presents the places, faces and events that have helped resolve issues, make peace and ultimately help shape our great country. JTF: 50 Great Years in American Military History * 1797 ? When Barbary Pirates looted American ships. * 1815 ? The White House was completed. * 1830 ? The first wagon train crossed the Rockies. * 1837 ? Samuel Morse invents the electric telegraph.* 1865 ? The Civil War ended. * 1892 ? The first heavyweight boxing match. * 1936 ? The Hoover Dam was completed. * 1992 ? Johnny Carson retires ... and many more milestone years filled with people and events that changed the course of America and created our fascinating heritage. American history doesn?t have to be dull. Especially since our history and culture is filled with so many fascinating stories! The stories of our history are timeless and will be enjoyed by all ages. The 'Just the Facts' Learning Series brings facts and information straight to your TV in an appealing way that makes learning compelling and fun to watch!« less