J. Newman | CALIFORNIA , USA | 01/22/2003
(2 out of 5 stars)
"(1) re "5 VENOMS VS WU TANG":
FIRSTLY - This is NOT what it claims to be - There is no reasonable link to previous VENOMS films to be found. This is a so-called "HORROR COMEDY" which, from what I can tell, is probably the 1986 film "MAGIC STORY" (aka "YOUNG MASTER VAMPIRE"). I wouldn't swear to this because there are NO CREDITS on the DVD packaging or on the film itself and the "story" (such as it is) is hard to follow. But I can assure you of ONE thing: if this is not the film I think it is, at least my claim is a heck of a lot more accurate than that which the packaging would have you believe.
SECONDLY - As far as collectible value is concerned, refer to any resource material you may have access to, look-up "MAGIC STORY" and if the description therein appeals to you, then go for it and enjoy - it is a WILD film with LOTS of hopping VAMPIRES and goofball HOCUS POCUS.
For ME, a moderately enjoyable time filler. For YOU, maybe a lost treasure...?
THIRDLY - The transfer is no worse than the average TAPE-to-DVD genre film copies out there and it is WIDESCREEN and in the original CHINESE language with ENGLISH subtitles.(2) re "VENOM WARRIOR":
This is actually the 1983 CHANG CHEH film "WARRIOR" (aka "DANCING WARRIOR"). It is an ENGLISH-dubbed FULL SCREEN transfer of a VHS print. The film appears to be about a singer/dancer (the BROADWAY type, not the PEKING OPERA type) and is set in CONTEMPORARY Hong Kong. Again, no reasonable (or even discernible) link to previous VENOMS films. I have yet to make it past the first 15 minutes of this one so it would be unjust of me to attempt any sort of review of the film itself.
FYI: NO EXTRAS on the DVD itself - just the two films. I hope someone out there finds this informative & helpful..."
Love Them Hopping Zombies!
Terrance N. Fowler | West Allis, WI USA | 06/02/2003
(2 out of 5 stars)
"First: Neither of the movies on this DVD have anything to do with the Five Deadly Venoms series. That said, 5 Venoms vs Wu Tang is actually Ku Fu Vampire Buster (1987), an unsophisticated comedy about a Taoist priest and a magician competing to capture a baby zombie. The movie is geared toward kids and is full of acrobatics, magic, hopping zombies, ghosts, vampires and just plain silliness. It is a lot of fun, moves fast and has a couple of good laughs. This is a direct transfer from tape, so the quality is just adequate. However, it is in widecreen and is subtitled. Skip the second feature."
Hopping hopping vampires
kevinwillis | westbrook me | 10/13/2002
(4 out of 5 stars)
"since it looks like nobody else is gonna do a review ill give a shot.I gotta start by saying ive only since wu tang vs 5 venoms so ill comment on that.It looks like it was recorded directly off a tape but it still looks pretty good for this kind of movie.and it has subtitles.its got cool fights cheesy effects and hopping vampires.I dont know what it has to do with the 5 venoms though.I laughed the whole time so I would recomend it if you can get past the bad transfer and subtitles."