Transform Your Core Strength in Just 30 Minutes or Less! Finally, a core workout that s fun, flowing and tones your whole body along with your center! Youll burn calories, whittle your middle, and get stronger and l... more »eaner, in much less time with this revolutionary style. Sadies expert, dynamic live instruction set in beautiful, wild Sedona makes it easy to follow along with her new Core Poses and creative flow sequences. The core is much more than just the abdominals! As you dance from a deeper center, youll sculpt your arms, shoulders, thighs, belly, waist and back all in 30 minutes or less. Sadies signature style builds your poses from the ground up, which amplifies the benefits of each move so you get more results for the time you spend on your mat than with many other DVDs. Youll discover the holistic Deep Core Line of the body, and use muscles you might not know you have to gain more power, more calorie-burn, more flexibility and more lean muscle tone. With Sadies real world wisdom and straightforward cues, youll easily learn this mindful workout that will have you rocking your world from the inside out! Matrix Menu: Choose your workout according to your time and fitness needs! Sections Include: ...All sections are whole-body transformers and include a wide range of poses... Core Warm Up Flow: Energy, Belly Bonfire and Stress Release Standing Core Flow: Balance and Whole Body Core Strength Floor Core & Restore: Deep Belly Tone, Detox and Stretch For more free yoga with Sadie, find her on Facebook, YouTube or her website, SadieNardini!« less