Mujeres, Mujeres, Mujeres (Girls, Girls, Girls) - Son tres historias en donde se desarrollan situaciones comicas y enredos entre el director de un banco, un profesor y un enfermo con la enfermera que lo atiende. Three hila... more »rious stories between a bank's manager, a teacher and an ill patient and the nurse who looks after him.
La Rebelion de las Hijas (The rebellious Daughters) Consuelo y su rico marido, tienen tres hijas, advierte a los novios que quizá los invite a una cena para decirles si se pueden casar con sus hijas, con la ayuda de un detective privado los investiga, para despues aprobarlos, pero les exige un año mas de noviazgo. Consuelo and her rich husband have three daughters. She tells the girl's boyfriends that she might invite them to the house for dinner to give them the good news about their approval to their marriages. Consuelo hires a private detective to follow them, and found nothing secret about them, but they still ask them to continue their relationship one more year before they get married.
Un Nuevo Modo de Amar (A new way to love) De luna de miel en Acapulco, el rico Ramón muere por comer mariscos antes de acostarse con su esposa Matilde. El rico Alberto hace pasar a su secretario por Poseidón, maestro de un mago, para conquistar a Matilde,viuda y heredera. During their honey moon in Acapulco, Ramón, a wealthy man, dies from eating seafood before going to sleep with hsi wife Matilde. Alberto, another rich man, makes his secretary to pretend to be Poseidón, a magician's professor, to make Matilde fall in love with him and keep her money.« less