Sounds like it would be good- but wasn't
drm | georgia | 06/20/2009
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I read the synopsis and thought this would be a good movie, actually it is a stage play. The filming of the play must have been done by an ameteur. There were babies crying and literally people walking in fron of the camera quite often which it seems could have been avoided if the filmer would have zoomed closer to the stage. Did the camera man know that this was going to be the performance for DVD? Technical aspects aside the story was not very believable, the romances seemed forced and there is one character whose usage of verbs in the wrong tense was just plain stupid- initially I thought it was done to get a few laughs but after about the 100th time of her doing it- it was just stupid (I actually think she may be a pretty good actress). Often the actors seemed as if they were just delivering monologues and not interacting with each other. The lead actress London was decent. Overall this was a HUGE disappointment and I regret ever buying it, at least I did not pay to see it."
3 cheap dimensions
Jeannette Beville | Abington .Pa. | 10/15/2009
(2 out of 5 stars)
They could have spent more money on production. The stage floor had a large crack in it and instead of being able to concentrate on the actors my eyes were drawn to the crack in the stage floor, waiting for an accident to occur. they also should hire someone as a set designer, it's hard to believe someone is wealthy when his apartment looks like a project."
B. Mckee | Dayton, Ohio | 09/17/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"It was not what I expected and it did not hold my interest. However, I only watched it one time, maybe I should watch it again before I put it in my video library."