3 DEAD GIRLS! -- the result of spiritual desperation, jealous vengeance, and misanthropic madness -- ignite three tales of horror by acclaimed writer/director Christopher Alan Broadstone. In SCREAM FOR ME one killer bec... more »omes the victim of another more brutal and insane than even himself. In MY SKIN! Death flies in to collect the soul of a murdered young woman, but first takes revenge on her killer. And finally, with HUMAN NO MORE, a private detective consumed by an irreconcilable murder case descends into his caustic underworld one last time. 3 DEAD GIRLS! brings Broadstone's three award winning short films together for the first time, and lures you into a trilogy of horror that is...highly disturbing and nerve racking (FilmThreat.com). Starring actor Tony Simmons in three very different roles, 3 DEAD GIRLS! is...for those of you looking for something new, something unique, something that will kidney punch you and have you urinating blood. (JoeHorror.com)« less