This is one of the best shows I have had the pleasure of viewing. I was fortunate enough to watch this series live from the very beginning, and it grips me soo.
If you want a show that can cause a heart attack, this is that show. It has me on the edge of my seat, and in all reality, has my heart racing! (no other show except prison break and dexter has ever done this to me).
You cant stop watching the show, but most people looking at this review could care less what I think about the show, and want to know what I think about the special edition, so lets get started!
The alternate ending. is it new? yes, is it good? not even, quite possibly the worst thing I have ever watched (no, it is not badly acted, nor shot, in fact, it is technically sound, but the ending is not an ending, I do not wish to spoil anything, but to say it stunk would be a vast understatement!)
Basically the whole set is the same as the original I'm sure you have on your shelf. Disc 7 is new, and has your extended scenes, and 2 extra documentary's.
The extra documentary's are nice, and worth watching, but not necessarily worth buying over your other version.
The case is beautiful, it has a clock on it that says 24, you can press a button and it resets to 0 and counts up, which is cool.
The housing of the dvds looks nice, with a fresh art design. The art is pretty much the same (on the dvds).
Last, but not least, the discs are housed in a cardboard container, 2 of my discs exhibit scratches, and 1 was out of the sleeve entirely.
I have bought other dvds in the past using cardboard containers, and the result is the same. Not good for housing dvds.
Your best bet is to buy the dvds, get the scratched ones resurfaced, and store in other cases, or inside of a cd case.
Again, the show is the same, and one of the best things you can view. if you do not own 24 season 1, this one is a no brainier.
If you have all seasons and have watched them many times (as I have) this still gives you nothing.
The show is a 5 out of 5. This release is a 4.5 out of 5 (half a star gone due to inferior packing)
For people who own the previous version, give this a pass, and pick up the eventual blu-ray.
maybe a slight spoiler? but I think not, read next paragraph at your own risk.
The alternate ending (the main reason I bought it) sucks, it just ends, nothing happens! if you have seen season 1, you know what happens in the end, here, nothing happens. and by nothing I mean nothing at all."
M. Miller | 05/29/2008
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Do not buy this edition; your discs will probably be damaged. The packaging is cheap and horrible. The discs slip out of the rough "cardboard" holders and move about the inside of the container, scratching them. I bought this set brand new, in the original packaging/wrapper and three of the discs had slipped out of their slots during transit. The edges of the discs were scuffed up, as there is an uneven "raised" cardboard surface right underneath where the disc is housed. The disc will rub up and down over that surface, damaging it. There is nothing (like a hub) to keep the disc in place; they slide out of their slots and roll all over the place."
Another case of "Double Dip"
S. McCready | Thumb, MI USA | 05/27/2008
(2 out of 5 stars)
"I picked up the special Edition of 24: Season One, after seeing it at a local retail store - and I have to say this release really sucks.
First is the packaging.
The outer packaging is a gaudy metal case, with a LCD display built into the cover.
As mentioned in a previous review, the interior package is all cardboard. Think of it like a book with each page having a "sleve" for the disc. There is nothing to prevent the discs from getting scratched up as you are taking them out/putting them back in. Like the other reviewer stated, you'll need to get some empy CD/DVD cases in order to properly store the discs.
2nd problem,
Why re-release the entire season for a third time?(digi-pack, thin pack, and now special edition.) Would have much rather prefered to have them release just the first and last discs (these contain the commentaries) plus the supplemental disc, in thin pack cases, then bundle them together in a new outer box similar in size to the ones released for season 2 and up.
Then, those who wanted to upgrade could just toss out the old first and last discs and place the remaining discs, along with the new ones in the new box. The only reason I can think of as to why Fox chose NOT to go this route, was that people who didn't have a thin pack copy of season 1 would buy the special edition and upon realizing it's not the entire season, take it back to the store.
As for the new "extra content" on this set, I haven't sat down and watched any of it. My two star rating mainly applies to the useless packaging.
If you already have season 1, then I'd suggest that you skip this release. If you are a die hard fan, or a completist who wants everything released for the show, then I'd suggest you check Amazon Marketplace for used copies, because I have a feeling it's going to be flooded with them.
Fox should know better then to double dip. Yes, it sucks that there was no season of the show this year because of the WGA strike. And that's what this release is truly all about. There is no new DVD set this year, so Fox decided to fill the need by releasing Season 1 for the third time.
Shame on you Fox, and shame on the creators for going along with this stupid idea."
For those diehards who can't wait for Amazon to post a descr
The Amazonian King |, Amazonia | 02/26/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"(((( NOTE: Amazon does not allow the rating to be changed after a review is posted. If possible, I would now downgrade my initial 5-star rating to **2-stars** due to the packaging problems that my fellow Amazonians have encountered. )))
Original 'Pseudo-Review' Follows:
Straight from the Fox's mouth:
24 - Season 1: Special Edition will include all 24 one-hour episodes from the inaugural First Season (for a total runtime of 1,056 minutes) and is packed with over three hours of never-before-seen special features including a Season Seven trailer, over 25 deleted and extended scenes, two all-new behind-the-scenes featurettes and more.
The 7-disc set will be presented in Wide Screen (1.78:1) and will have audio tracks (Dolby Surround) in English and French, with subtitles in English and Spanish.
Below is a detail listing of the DVD features for 24 - Season 1: Special Edition (double asterisk denotes all-new DVD feature):
Season One Introduction by Kiefer Sutherland
All-new documentary The Genesis of 24**
Five extended episodes**
25 extended / deleted scenes**
Never-before-seen alternate season finale ending #2**
Commentary on the series premiere episode (12:00AM-1:00AM) by director Stephen Hopkins and Director of Photography Peter Levy**
Commentary on the series finale episode (11:00PM-12:00AM) by director Stephen Hopkins and actress Leslie Hope**
The Rookie online short films (sponsored by Degree)**
* Coffee Run
* Get This To...
Alternate season finale ending (with optional commentary by executive producer Joel Surnow)"
My review of 24: Season One Special Edition
Buck Pelletier | New Hampshire | 02/04/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is my review of 24: Season One Special Edition. Now, just to get this out of the way as a disclaimer here at the beginning. I'm a HUGE 24 fanatic. I think it's the greatest show on television right now. That being said, I might be overrating this in some peoples' eyes. But I'm giving you my honest opinion.
Okay, so there are three versions of 24: Season One on DVD. Since this was the third version to come out, I thought I'd spend the bulk of this review explaining the differences between this and the other versions.
This version has new and unique packaging, as well as a good amount of extras including commentary for the premiere and finale, as well as a 7th disk completely devoted to extras (in line with every other season of the show since). Many of these extras were created specifically for this version.
I will agree with the other reviewers about the packaging. On the outside, it's definitely unique. A metal box, with a little clock on the bottom that says 24, and a button on the inside that resets it to 0 and counts up to 24 hours. Love that. The housing for the DVDs, not so much. All the other 24 DVDs have cases that protect the disks, but here for some reason they decided to use a cardboard book with sleeves. First of all, this book is somewhat difficult to remove from the metal case which can be annoying. Also, it's not very good protection for the disks. None of my disks were scratched, but a lot of them were smudged from the cardboard. As a result, many of them skipped or froze in parts. Most of them worked fine after a cleaning though, and I was generally okay with it. It's not as big of an issue as some previous reviewers made it out to be, in my opinion.
As for the extras. They could be better, and there could be more of them, but I enjoyed them regardless. The commentary for the premiere, with Stephen Hopkins and Peter Levy was a snoozefest. Hopkins was boring, and the other guy was talking so softly I couldn't even hear him. They really only said stuff I already knew anyway. The finale's commentary is much better because it was Leslie Hope, who played Teri Bauer in the series. You could tell she was having a great time just watching the show and commenting about it, which was nice and definitely fun.
The extras on Disk 7 were good as well. Most of the deleted scenes weren't that great; there's a reason why they didn't make the final cut. But some of them were very good. In particular, I enjoyed Carl "Chats" with Barry. That was golden.
As the previous reviewer said, the alternate ending was not good. But, what I really enjoyed was watching it with Joel Surnow's commentary. He shed some light on the whole thing, explaining how they didn't like this ending, but explained the entire thinking process behind it. It definitely told me a lot about 24 behind the scenes, the way the writers think, and their entire creative process.
That was further explained in the included documentary "The Genesis of 24". This was very enjoyable in my opinion, but it could've been longer. Still, definitely worth watching.
Finally, "The Rookie", which is probably the best thing on these extras. I had never seen these before or even knew what they were. It turns out "The Rookie" is an online spin-off of 24 that's more comedic but still has some cool action. Not much in the way of suspense though. Still, these are a lot of fun. Definitely worth watching. Although, they're available for free online.
Now that I've covered everything that's different about this set, I'll take a quick minute to run through the meat and potatoes of this DVD set, the first season of 24. Season One was one of my favorite seasons, which says a lot because I love every season. The storylines are awesome, it's unbelievably suspenseful, the action is great, the characters are all very likable, the acting is wonderful, the writing is wonderful, this is in my opinion the best show on television. That doesn't mean it's flawless though. I've had at least one major problem with every season of 24 so far. For Season One, like most people, it was the Teri amnesia storyline. I think it made no sense and it was pretty boring. It dragged down that point of the season a little bit, that is until the awesome climax of it. Despite that, in my opinion this is the best series on television.
But, seeing it on DVD is even better. For some reason, it just seems like it's on a whole different level, watching on DVD. It's probably because there's no commercials to take you out of the excitement. But I can very easily watch 5 or 6 episodes in one sitting and have a great time just watching it unfold. No other show has given me that feeling, at least not on such a high level as 24.
Overall, I give this DVD 5 stars. Now, most reviewers knocked off a star for the packaging, but honestly I don't think it's a big enough problem to knock off a whole star. Maybe a half star, but it'd still round up to 5, so that's where I'm keeping it. Besides, the extras make up for the packaging headaches in my opinion, so this is about equal to the other versions of Season One. Life is full of trade-offs. Honestly, as for which version I'd reccommend, I'd just go with the cheapest one. I got this for $19.99 during the recent sale. Whichever version of Season One happens to be cheaper when you're buying, I'd say go with that version, because I wouldn't say one version is definitely superior to another. They're just, different, and they have different advantages and unfortunate disadvantages.