Bringing Clarity to 2012
Emma Wellington | CA, USA | 11/23/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This DVD really put the whole 2012 phenomenon into perspective, it features several best selling authors and experts and was very entertaining as well as enlightening. In answer to the earlier reviewer who gave it one star because he couldn't find it, I think I know what happened. When the DVD opens you see several squares that you can click on. Only the square on the top left contains the 2012 An Awakening movie, the others are previews of additional movies. So try again, select the first square and let it run past the intro and then you can enjoy the film.
***** The Ultimate 2012 End-Time Vision Collection *****
John Jay Harper | Spokane, WA United States | 11/22/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is the 2012 tour de force of transformation DVDs! The movers, shakers, and shapeshifters of consciousness, culture, and world civilizations. See what is coming before we are OBE (Overcome-By-Events).
Make no mistake, the times they are a "chang'in" and ever more rapidly as we spiral into the time tunnel target date: December 21, 2012 A.D.
Do not fear the shift, prepare for it in the best way we can: visually via imagination. Recall the sage shamanic counsel of Terence McKenna and be forewarned as to the facts: "We are experiencing the exteriorizing of the soul and the interiorizing of the body!"
That is, we are sensing the collapse of space-time physics here and now or, in other words, our human body-mind cells community of consciousness are turning our sense of reality inside out! More and more we are being integrated into a superorganism also known as the Global Body-Mind of Gaia. We are as the worker bees of the hive collecting the nectar -- information -- for the Queen Bee.
Indeed, we are caterpillars dying but only to give birth to the galactic solar-powered butterfly!
Dr. John Jay Harper is a Community Health Education Specialist, CEO, American Delphi Academy, and author of Tranceformers: Shamans of the 21st Century."
In Depth Information
Dan Alexander | Eagles Hill CA | 11/23/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Literally every 2012 Guru is in this film, most of them very knowledgeable and well spoken. David Icke is a little extreme but this DVD offers very interesting information and is a must see for anyone interested in 2012. I highly recommend this one.
I expected Better. A total Waste
L. Hoff | Ma, USA | 02/16/2010
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Disorganized, boring, repetitious, borrowed from other DVDs without concern for quality.
This was a big disappointment. and will go the way of donations. I won't waste your time or mine by listing all the minuses. After watching Odyssey 2012 ( 3 1/2 ) and the follow up "2013", (4 stars) the first good, the second much better and worth watching again, I did expect more.
I wasted both my time and money"