For more than 2000 years, the life of Christ has inspired individual people, societies and government officials all over the world. This extraordinary 13-part series examines the powerful spiritual, intellectual and politi... more »cal impact of that most exemplary person?s teachings and message throughout the centuries. From the precarious roots of the primitive Church in Palestine and Asia Minor, through the triumphant Christianization of the Roman Empire and Europe to the turbulent years of the Reformation, the Enlightenment and the modern crisis of faith in the West, this documentary leaves no stone unturned in its quest to discover the trans-historical essence of this uniquely beloved faith. How did a despised religion of outcasts and slaves conquer the heart of the most powerful empire the world has ever known? How did Christianity recover from the horrifying effects of great crises like the Black Plague, the 17th century wars of religion and the massacres of World War Two? Perhaps most important of all: how can Jesus? words and deeds help us to confront the uncertainties of the 21st century and beyond? Enlisting the aid of world-renowned scholars, thinkers and artists like Marvin Entholt, Matthias Unterburg and Werner Herzog, each episode of 2000 Years of Christianity delves into complex historical problems and produces startling answers that are sure to interest believers and skeptics alike!Episodes: From Jesus to Christ, Shackles of Power, Separate Ways, Cross and Sword, Saints and Demons, This Side of Heaven, By Faith Alone, Heaven and Hell, New Worlds, Altar of Reason, Machines and Men, Gates of Hell, Opportunities and Hazards« less