Leave it to MTV to create their own boy band spoof - and make them one of the hottest-selling acts today! The original movie that introduced 2Ge+her to teens everywhere is now available on home video! Contains exclusive in... more »terviews, 2Ge+hers' TRL guest appearance, and a bonus music video! 95 Minutes.« less
"It's weird reading all of these posts about how hard 2ge+her was is is hard to find. I bought my first copy (VHS) for like 10 dollars at a CD store and my second copy (DVD) same place for like 20 dollars. I'd be willing to get a copy for anyone who needs one. 2ge+her must not die out, we need to spread the love :) By the way, does anyone know why it's out of print or if they are going to release a box set?"
Whoa!It's an "Awesum" movie!!
Kasey Kildall | 11/24/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"2gether the movie is one of the BEST movies of ALL TIME!! As stupid as the whole plot is, it's the best parody ever made. If you were old enough to unfourtunatley experience the "Boy Band" phase America went through, you'd appreciate the humor of this movie! Also, if you watched the T.V show when it was on MTV, it was hilarious, I wish they had it on tv still, I fortunatley taped some of the episodes! Noah Bastian(chad a.k.a the shy one)is so Hot! He is hilarious, he has classic lines in this movie that my friends and i always quote! Also, Doug(the older brother type) is hilarious, he's 35 and is in the boy band. They give him braces to make him look younger and its soo funny! Jerry (the Heart throb)is hot, but his character gets jealous way too easily, he's now on "while you were out" as the host. Mickey is the poser,he is a wannabe rapper but is such a softie undderneath it. Jason Q.T McKnight is my favorite next to chad. God bless him.He was hilarious. I just was so sad that they made fun of his disease. Overall, this is one of the most "awesum" movie I've ever seen! BUY IT!! ;)"
Loves me some 2gether!
Kim Garvey | 02/15/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I would love a copy of this sooooo bad!
MTV is horrible with putting out shows on DVD. People have pestered them to put out 2gether and Daria since they went off the air, but no such luck."
In honor of Micahel Cuccione, who died at 16, 15 almost
A reviewer | New Jersey | 09/02/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I love 2gether. The spoof boyband music group, TV show, movie, etc. is great! But I was so sad when in real life Michael Cuccione died at 16. He was 15 before, but he had his 16th birthday in the hospital. I was mourning for ages. He was such a sweet guy. Anyway, in this movie he proves his talents as a young, charming, and witty actor. This movie is great! He is great! Also, the "Wooaah!", band was funny. I love this movie! Michael Cuccione was a wonderful person, and I will miss him forver!"
2 Ge+her 4Ever!
Cassy | Orange County, California, USA | 06/12/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The movie 2 Ge+her is an unbeliveable story of a manager that has been rejected by an NSync type band, whoa!, that in fact lip-syncs, and now he(the manager/aka Bob Buss) is searching the east coast for 5 members to star in his new boyband, wich will open for Whoa!at a giant concert. He first picks up Jerry O'Keefe, played by actor/singer Evan Farmer(for more on Evan go to EvanFarmer.cc), who is an unbeliveable singer, that is also really hot. He is dubded the boyband's heartthrob.Next Bob picks up the shy type, and the older brother figure at the Mr. New York pageant where Chad Linus, played by amazing actor/singer Noah Dale Bastian(for more on Noah go to Noahsmom.com), is competing in the contest. Shy and naiive Chad wins Bob's heart, but Chad wont go with Bob unless his older brother Doug Linus, played by actor Kevin Farley(for more on Kevin got to kevinFarley.net), comes with. Bob is delighted to add the two new members of the budding band. So far we have a Heartthrob, The Shy one, The older brother type, and next Bob ventures to a skate park where he is determined to find the Rebel type. After a long search of boys at the park, Bob finds Mickey Parke, played by actor/singer Alex Solowitz(for more on Alex go to TheAlexObsession.net), who will only join the band if he is beat in an arm-wrestling match against Jerry. Jerry wins, and Mickey (who refers to himself as a pimp throughtout the movie) is part of the boyband. With one member missing from the boybanf formula, and the deadline for opening at the Whoa! concert creeping up, Bob becomes a little Freaked out, untill he finds a breakthrough actor/singer. He finds Jason "Q.T." McNight, late actor/singer Michael Cuccione(for more on Michael go to makethedifference.net,Michael's charity foundation) at a kareoke bar, seranading a group of girls. Michael is the "dewey-eyed youngster" who dreams of being loved by thousands of screaming girls. The boys have one thing left, that is the most cruciall part in becoming the band. Training and a name. They decide on 2 Ge+her after a long debate(and Chad being hillarious with name contributions such as "Matchbox 30" and 5Ge+her). The boys go through rigorous training, and later that week go on to do their first preformance at a spelling bee. When that is a failure, the boys have nothing left in their spirits. They start to break up. Bob is filled with saddness. If you wanna find out what happens in the end, like if the falling apart boyband makes it to the Whoa! concert, or if Whoa! is ever defeated for being a lip-syncing, mean band, then buy the movie!!! It's really good, and no mater how many times you watch it, it will always get you laughing!!! Even if this wasnt a real review, and more like a description of the movie, i enjoyed writting it, and i hope you enjoy the show!!!"