Not even in the same league as Kung Fu Hustle. . .
David M. Keplinger | keyser, wv USA | 04/06/2006
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I'm glad this movie is in the " comedy " section otherwise I'd not known it was a comedy. I laughed one time. To say this is in anyway as clever or funny as Kung Fu Hustle is like comparing Rosie O'Donnel to Cindy Crawford. I think you get my point.
I think you could take one of those 18 fingers of death and poke your own eye out. That would be slightly more enjoyable then having to watch this movie.
I got to see this movie for free yet I somehow feel I should in some way get my money back. It's the oddest feeling. Kinda goes with the bitter taste left in my mouth after having watched this movie."
Please save yourself!
Lucas Wells | Phoenix, AZ | 05/18/2006
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Okay, quick story to enhance the review. A friend and I once rented "Invincible" with Billy Zane, we were pretty horrified by how terrible it was. We had a running joke that nothing could be worse. Well, looks like we found it! This is, by far, no questions, the worst movie I have ever seen in my life. I don't know how anyone even paid to create this. I assume it ended the way it did because someone paid them to stop.
Seriously, do not rent this, don't buy it, don't do anything that would encourage whoever made this to make anything like it ever again! This movie will remain in my memory forever as a scar burned that will never be removed.
It seemed to be a completely random collaboration of interviews that mocked actors by slightly altering their names and making jokes that were indecipherable. The parts that made me smile were the ending and the fact that the "stop" button halted my suffering.
If it were possible I would give this a 0 or negative number of stars. I would be able to safely bet insane amounts of money that there is no movie worse. The two main reasons. The actors could actually do kung-fu and were good at it, but they never really did because whoever made this had no idea what they were doing. The other reason, the movie actually exists, and no one could ever explain why.
Please erase this movie from your memory and scorn anyone who ever mentions it in a positive manner. It is the only proper way to deal with it."
Don't fall for the hype....
coolbreeze1 | everywhere, USA | 05/21/2006
(1 out of 5 stars)
"When the creators and distributors of this movie hyped it as a cross between Kung Fu Hustle and Spinal Tap, they engaged in very false and misleading advertising. Which led to more than a few people I know buying into that hype and then feeling blatantly ripped off. There is no comparison between this very, very low budget misfire and the 2 far superior films it didn't come anywhere close to. I realize that hype is part of the movie business. But instead of falsely raising consumers expectations, honesty would have been a lot better."
Please Heed This Warning!!
Fudgie Royale | Vic, BC | 05/16/2006
(1 out of 5 stars)
"If you have read previous reviews of this...err..."movie", and have found the general consensus to be unanimously in favour of snapping this DVD in to many...many pieces and baking them into a meatloaf for a friend you that no-one else must suffer to experience even 30 seconds of this gelatenous mind-tripe -
I know I're thinking...."Whatever dude..I really like cheesy Kung-Fu flicks!"
I do also...and I can promise you that no amount of drugs will enhance this [...]...nor will any amount of good...or even mediocre OK-ness ever come from accidentally slipping this trash into your dvd player.
Mitmitch - (AKA Fuddy Ryale)"