Cartoons Included: Superman: Superman The Mad Scientist, Superman The Mechanical Monsters, Superman Electric Earthquake, Superman Billion Dollar Limited, Superman Arctic Giant, Superman Bulleteers, Superman Magnetic Tele... more »scope, Superman Volcano. Betty Boop: A Language all my own, A Little Soap and Water, Betty Boop and the Little King, Baby Be Good, Judge for a Day, Little Jimmy, Stop That Noise, Betty Boop's Crazy Inventions, Betty Boop's Ker-Choo, Betty Boop's Rise to Fame, Betty in Blunderland, Is My Palm Read, Musical Mountaineers, No No A Thousand Times No, Pudgy in Training Pigeons, Poor Cinderella, Rhythm on the Reservation, The Scared Crows, Wiffle Piffle The Hot Air Salesman. Popeye: Gopher Spinach, Insect to Injury, Cookin' with Gags, Private Eye Popeye, Popeye for President, Out to Punch, Shuteye Popeye, Taxi-Turvy, Bride and Groom, The Crystal Brawl, Spooky Swabs, I don't Scare, Spree Lunch, Popeye's 20th Anniversary, Floor Flusher, Nearlyweds, Parlez Vous Woo, Patriotic Popeye, Big Bad Sinbad, Assault and Flattery. Gabby: It's a Hap-Hap-Happy Day, Two for the Zoo, King for a Day, Swing Cleaning, Goes Fishing, The Constable, All?s Well, Fire Cheese. Casper: The Friendly Ghost, A Haunting We Will Go, There's Good Boos To-Night, Boo Moon, Spooking About Africa. Felix the Cat: The Goose the Laid the Golden Egg, Bold King Cole. Molly Moo Cow: Molly Moo Cow and Robinson Crusoe, The Hunting Season, Molly Moo Cow and Rip Van Winkle, Molly Moo Cow and the Butterflies, Molly Moo Cow and the Indians And Also Including: All?s Fair at the Fair, Christmas Comes But Once a Year, Ants in the Plants, Bunny Mooning, Car Tune Portrait, Chicken A La King, Cobweb Hotel, Dancing on the Moon, Granite Hotel, Greedy Humpty Dumpty, Hamature Night, Hawaiian Birds, Hunky and Spunky, Mary?s Little Lamb, Musical Memories, Peeping Penguins, Play Safe, Pleased to Eat You, Scotty Finds a Home, Small Fry, Snubbed by a Snob, Somewhere in Dreamland, Time for Love, Song of the Birds, Neptune Nonsense, Toonerville Picnic, Toonerville Trolley, Trolley Ahoy, Parrotville Old Folks, Parrotville Post Office, It?s a Greek Life.« less