Great Workout for everyone
Amy Hilliard | VA, United States | 09/09/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I like the instructor Lara Hudson and have done other ten minute Pilates workouts with her as the instructor. That is why, even though I consider myself at an intermediate level for Pilates, I decided to buy this beginner workout. She does good job giving cues on movements and breathing. Like all ten minute solution videos, you can program any combination of sections 1 though 5 below, so that your workout is 10 to 50 minutes long. All you need is a mat and comfortable clothes.
Core Basics
In this set you'll learn to use proper positioning and breathing to strengthen your abdominals with maximum benefit using core fundamentals of Pilates. You start with slow crunches to heat up the core and then went right into the classic 100 (hold crunch position and flutter arms) with legs at 90 or straight out position. Slowly curl down and then roll up bone by bone into seated "c curl." Next, take both hands on one knee with other leg stretched out and switch legs. Do 8 criss-cross elbow-to-knee moves. Lie on your side and stack legs on top of each other. Lift legs up. Switch sides. Lie on back. Bring legs up to table top position (bent legs). Roll body down without assistance of arms, if able. Do that a few times and then done.
Lower Body Basics
This section teaches you how to stabilize your torso as you sculpt your hips, Glutes and thighs. You will also use your core. Lie on your back. Slowly roll hips up and then down. Hold in this position. Next are table top leg hinges. Roll hips up. Lift first one leg up and hold the other in table top position. Then set leg back into starting position and roll hips down. Switch legs. Keep switching lifted leg a few times. Next, put one leg on ground and lift the other straight in air. Do leg circles on one leg and then the other. Roll hips up into table top position. Lift one leg up and down a few times, and then place both legs into table top position. Switch legs. Lie on one side. Bend leg closest to ground in 90 degree angle and the other one should be straight out following line of your body. Swing straight leg forward and back. Do leg circles with same leg. Swing leg forward, back, up and around. Switch legs. Lie on stomach. Position legs at 90 degree angle. Raise legs up and down from that position a few times. Straighten legs. Lift legs up slightly. Beat heels together a few times.
Upper Body Basics
In this set you will learn how to move your arms and define your shoulders. Lie on your stomach. Place arms at your side. Lift up chest and arms behind you and hold. Roll down chest. Lift up chest and arms and hold. Do cobra. Lift up chest with arms in front of you in 90 degree angle. Straighten arms as you roll up. Only go as far into cobra as is comfortable. Roll down chest. Repeat a few times. Place arms at sides with head on ground. Roll into child's pose so you are sitting on knees and head is on floor. Raise head so you go into Hero's pose (sitting on knees). Lie back onto stomach and go into plank position with arms at straight and in line with your shoulders. Make sure your Glutes are not sticking up in air. Hold. Go back into hero's pose. Go into plank position again. Once your body is straight, shift weight forward and back on your toes. Go into child's pose. Lie on stomach again. Straighten arms to push yourself halfway up. Bend knees at 45 degree angle. Do several triceps push-ups. Go into child's pose. Lie on side with legs at 90 degree angle and stacked on top of each other. Make sure to lift abs. Place arm closest to ground at 90 degree angle and your other arm straight at aide. Lift up hips. Repeat on same leg. If you are able to do so, try a few reps with both legs straight. Hold last one. Switch sides. Go into plank position again. Once your body is straight, shift weight forward and back on your toes. Lie on stomach. Reach straight ahead with arms. Do back stroke with arms as you lift chest up. Repeat a few times. Lie on stomach. Lift chest and shoulders up as you stretch arms out behind you. Roll back down. Bring up legs into 90 degree angle and beat heels three times against Glutes. Go into child's pose.
Total Body Combo
This section works your entire body. You will take the fundamental skills you learned in the first three sections and use them to master and strengthen your entire body. Sit on Glutes with legs at 90 degree angle. Straighten arms in front of you. Make sure back is straight. Roll down slowly until you are on back while you keep arms straight as you go. Keep rolling down until you are on back with you arms stretch over your head. Roll up with arms straight. Repeat. To increase the difficulty, do some reps with straight legs. Bring in knees to chest. Straighten legs and lift both to 45 degree angle. As you straighten legs, stretch arms in front of you. Hold legs and do back stroke with arms. Bring arms and knees to chest. Repeat. To do single leg stretches, keep one leg straight on ground while you bring the other leg to head. Switch legs. Sit up with knees at 45 degree angle. Straighten arms out to sides. Twist torso to side and then switch sides. Repeat. Straighten legs out and put them hips distance apart. Straighten arms out to sides. Twist to side and roll down chest as you reach one arm to opposite ankle. Maintain this position and pulse as you reach towards ankle. Switch sides. Lie on your side with arm closest to ground at 90 degree angle. Stack legs on top of each other. Straighten arm farthest from floor and place in front of you. Lift up hips and abs as you push one leg straight. Next, bring in leg and drop hip. Repeat. In same position rapidly lift and lower leg same leg a few times. Switch sides and repeat. Go onto your knees and elbows. Lift up one leg and straighten, as you raise your opposite arm. Switch sides and repeat. After a few times go back to first leg. Rapidly lift and lower leg and opposite arm in little movements. Go into plank position. Hold. Go into child's pose. Lie on stomach. Lift both legs and chest. Rapidly flutter arms and legs.
Long & Limber Stretch
This relaxing sequence can help you wind down and stretch out after a hard work out. You can improve your posture while using Pilate's principles to stretch your legs, spine and shoulders. Lie on your back. Bring legs to 90 degree angle. From that position roll knees in circles. Roll first one direction and then the other. Stretch one leg out on ground while you hug other leg towards chest. Alternate between straightening and hugging your leg towards your chest. Sit up. Keep same leg straight and the one you were working on at 45 degree angle. Twist torso towards side. Cross knee over straight leg. Lower chest until it is as far as you can go or on legs. Lie back and switch legs. Lie on back with arms straight out and legs at 45 degree angle. Drop knees to one side and then the other. Straighten legs and cross one ankle over the other. Stretch arms and legs to one side. Switch ankles and sides. Hug knees to chest. Place elbows and knees on floor. Switch between Cat and Cow so that you alternately stretch your back towards ceiling and stomach to floor. Go to neutral position. Straighten one leg ahead of you so you are in lunge position. Bring knee off the ground. Alternate between pulsing your knees up and down. Switch legs. Next, slowly roll up one vertebra at a time. Stand with your legs a little more than hips width apart. Stretch arms to side and twist torso. Reach one arm towards ankle and other towards ceiling. Switch sides. Repeat. Stand hips distant apart. Bend towards your knees ad you stretch out arms behind you and lift. Bend and straighten legs. Roll up. Roll back down. Slowly raise one vertebrae at a time.
I like the moves in all sections of this DVD. I think these routines will both easy to follow for a beginner and a light workout for people who have more experience with Pilates.