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What our club members are saying about SwapaDVD... Read More Testimonials - Leave Your Testimonial

Thanks to this site, I have been able to change over many of my VHS tapes for the DVD format, as well as get many others I have wanted for years, but could never find elsewhere. And it's a great site for exchanging all the movies I no longer wanted! I just love saving money--Thanks SwapaDvd.com. I also swap books on it's sister website!

Sometimes people can be picky. I usually check on-line if the DVD or Blu-ray discs have same features. (I can't really tell the difference, some people can or can't (but that's just me.) Anyway, if the dvd is cheaper and has same features, go for it. My Blu-ray collection might be slowly expanding, but I thank the club for saving me a lot of money.